
Unfamiliar Friends Party 不熟的朋友派對
from Taipei, Taiwan
音樂類型:Drum & Bass / Electronica / Rock


Unfamiliar Friends Party was established in late 2007 by Lilybeer, Hollistar, Koko and Djust. With the experiences on composing music on the laptops, the electronic-rock setup, and the on stage performance, combine with the passion for the electronic dance music, Unfamiliar Friends Party was soon on their track creating music. In just a year, Unfamiliar Friends Party has participated in 2 compilation albums and performed in each major music festivals and livehouse in Taiwan. They also collaborated with artists from different fields in Taiwan this year. Their music has often been categorized as computer game music and watching them perform gives the audiences an experience to place themselves in a computer gaming environment. Unfamiliar Friends Party is now working on the production of their first album.

從早期純音樂形式到加入人聲,從輕巧愉悅的電子樂進化成更有律動感的獨特舞曲,創造"不熟的朋友派對曲風"!!EP收錄"welcome to U.F.P"、"swallow"、"disco co co",更重金送英國後製,請來化學兄弟御用mastering大師操刀。快帶著熟與不熟或想變熟的朋友一起來開派對吧!



★化學兄弟御用大師Mike Marsh操刀,媲美Van She / The Xx的振奮迷離
★【大學生了沒】小柯 參與,台灣少見的歡樂系電子搖滾樂隊!


因為團員的親身經驗,「不熟的朋友派對」正源自於一場真正的Party,2007年底由曾經一起玩團的Lily、小任、小柯,加上Digihai吉他手鄭平組成,以明亮色澤的電動音律,織造台灣少見的歡樂系電子搖滾。雖號稱高科技樂團,但其實每個團員都很笨,連團員的朋友遇到比利時電舞大師Soulwax,都把「We Are Soulwax」誤聽成「WE ARE SO WISE」,而意外產出首張EP大名!

初聽《WE ARE SO WISE》國際級的製作水準,絕對會大吃一驚,完成度直逼澳洲電子大廠Modular、法國Electro廠牌Kitsune旗下發行,不但有八厘米天空鼓手Zen助陣錄音混音,更重金跨洋送英國後製,請來化學兄弟/碧玉/地下室混音小子御用Mastering大師Mike Marsh操刀,飽滿分明的電氣顆粒,讓人不敢置信這是台灣出品!首支單曲〈Welcome to U.F.P.〉沾染了Van She的振奮明亮,歡迎各位不熟朋友連夜跳舞;〈Swallow〉吞吐著The Presets的晦黯與高張能量,男女對唱橋段亦有The Xx的迷離氣味;〈Disco Co Co〉靈感來自日本女子偶像團Perfume歌詞,俏皮三八的迪斯可俗艷,唱出大學生的羞澀告白…全輯一氣呵成的動感氣息,不但足夠讓你和你不熟的朋友跳整晚,對U.F.P.來說,更是一次聰明無比的大膽出擊!(by林貓王)



Unfamiliar Friends Party 不熟的朋友派對-Welcome to U.F.P

Unfamiliar Friends Party 不熟的朋友派對-Swallow

Unfamiliar Friends Party 不熟的朋友派對-Disco Co Co

Unfamiliar Friends Party 不熟的朋友派對 - Young to die

Thats awesome






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