
“他是個巨大的影子,每個人都有的。所有的衝突對立,黑暗不失溫暖,暴力和柔軟,讓我們聽見自己。”我會這麼形容他的音樂。第一次聽見他的歌聲是〈How To Disappear〉這首,他那非常乾淨的聲音,高亢和易怒情感的唱腔和合成器,像是在跟你訴說什麼,音樂遊走在黑暗與光明之間,聽了既陰鬱又感動,有點自虐。一聽Thomas Azier的音樂就愛上他,除了聲音讓人不能自己,玩合成器與聲響、節拍到極致,說他是音樂表演者,他更是位藝術家。每次都讓人期待的他音樂及音樂影片,聲音和影像總是相輔,我想他跟導演有討論過呈現的方式。陸續發表的這些音樂,只會讓人非常期待這張專輯『Hylas』發行,一次完整收聽。Thomas Azier二次線上問答,幾乎認真的一一回答,終於回覆我們會不會來台灣,他回了"YES!!" 感動到不行,一定要兌現啊,如果他可以跟鬼才朋友Woodkid一起來表演就太完美了。

Thomas Azier 出生於荷蘭,19歲搬到柏林開始他的音樂創作之旅,全身受柏林藝術和文化洗禮。常奔走藏身於俱樂部和城市的techno,不滿意他所聽到的那些電子音樂,開始了他的創作。關於柏林,他只知道它很便宜,一直在找尋一個實驗場,他玩techno,也學到很多關於流行音樂。在柏林希望找到的是諷刺和挖苦的環境,那時19歲的他,音樂很天真浪漫,而他的音樂開始被這座城市的氛圍影響,發現城市黑暗的一面,導致他音樂「變態」的走向,體現了藝術品,專輯描繪由粗糙石頭轉化為純水晶的過程。歷時至5年,青春幼稚、爭鬥的成長,他也說「如果有人問我形容自己的音樂,我總是把它稱希望與絕望之間的一齣音樂劇。」

Thomas Azier 的音樂確實是精雕細磨成的水晶。

他的電子史詩性的音樂,也許可定義歐美現在的音樂,我認為他音樂跨類型,並可定義我們這一代,真的很想看他和Woodkid 的史詩音樂雙重混合,會成為什麼模樣。


Thomas Azier
from Berlin
音樂類型:Pop/Rock/Pop-Electronic/Dark Electronic Pop
Thomas Azier 和他的搭檔 Robin Hunt

“Music has turned into nothing more then just a rush in the background while you are busy doing other things. I don’t want to change that, but I try to make something that will catch your ear and communicate with you.” ── Thomas Azier 

音樂已經成為僅此而已,只是一個匆促的背景,而你忙著做其他的事情。我並不想改變這一點,但我盡量讓東西抓住你的耳朵,並與你交流。”  ── Thomas Azier

“What I hate most is music snobbism”──Thomas Azier


pic by Obi Blanche & Laura Lou Von Renard

Thomas Azier 就讀荷蘭Academie voor Popcultuur表演藝術學校,那是一間對流行音樂非常嚴肅的學校,他是讀藝術的,19歲到柏林發展。2012年,他贏得了弗里斯蘭省流行音樂人才獎(Friesland Pop Talent Award)和發行兩張EP。被法國多才華的歌手、詞曲家和視頻導演Woodkid 發現和製作,並負責許多Stromae 的擊拍點。現在他找到他喜歡的工作室在東柏林一個廢棄的鐘型工廠(bell factory)。

Stromae - Papaoutai

他在柏林愛好研磨工業音樂。一開始你可能聽見德式的電子樂,有堅硬的德國俱樂部的聲音。但他優美的旋律又交織出史詩音樂。Azier 的音樂是溫暖和優美的旋律,不完全是黑暗的東西。城市每天都在變化,他說柏林的城市是一個極端的例子,他試著記錄。“我將嘗試用唯美,浪漫的旋律和令人難以忘懷的旋律結合起來”他說。“我只是一直在尋找一個對比-寒冷和溫暖,激進的和甜蜜,電子和聲波,響亮而沉默的,暴力性和柔軟性。所以,我的那些衝突相互轉化,這就是我要找的。” 




(以下來自Zelfportret: Thomas Azier,以著名的普魯斯特問卷形式訪問很有趣,可以窺探他更深的內心)

我不相信衣服會讓你有吸引力,但是你的態度,讓你有吸引力。” ── Thomas Azier
如此認真的Azier 說了這樣的話。他說有時我覺得自己很醜陋,有時我想:好吧 Thomas,今天你看到或合理的。但那些時刻交替極端。有什麼關係呢?如果幾個星期巡演,不良的飲食和運動少,你覺得不舒服,還有皮膚。然後,你會發現自己難看。但是,如果你幾次很好的運動和良好的表演,然後你突然覺得滿意你自己。



從書得到靈感比音樂多,有很多很棒的作家Fernando Pessoa, John Fante 和 Bret Easton Ellis。
我注意到我的收藏偉人是一種隨機收集,從Elvis Presley(貓王), Charles Bukowski, Nirvana到 JD Salinger。那是真的是我們這一代人,每個人都可以快速通過網路-即使它只是一個閃爍-誰都可呼籲你,刺激你。



總是想著文本,必須讀的和弦沒有在自己位置上 - 之類的事情。我不斷想音樂。

你不再控制極端的想法,例如要傷害別人,甚至謀殺,然後真正要做的事情。創意和瘋狂之間的分界線 - 喜歡暴力和愛情之間 - 跟紙一樣薄。




如果我有聽到未完的歌如此羞愧。或者說,你的歌詞都要向人們解釋,這也是很尷尬。不幸的是,有時候,因為你需要為你的音樂標籤熱門,但我覺得令人可怕 - 就好像他們將看到,當你感到有點困惑的狀態,這樣的感覺。





我短短三年在柏林,和銀行的朋友睡,因為我沒有房子,沒有錢,沒有任何音樂工作,那是冬天 - 總之,一切都打擊。我有妄想症,焦慮症。然後,我的父親說,“來吧孩子,現在去只是為了一次。” 這是主要的教訓我學到:如果你想要的東西,你必須去要。






















pic by Rahi Rezvani

Thomas Azier by Ben Roth.jpg
Thomas Azier by Ben Roth


Thomas Azier 成立了工作室,並也是個實驗場所,這張專輯中所加入的一些聲音來自這裡。
Thomas Azier - The Studio - Episode 1

Thomas Azier - New York - Episode 2

哈哈哈他下的標籤是#brooklyn #wannagoback


Thomas Azier 唱歌時情緒激動,用盡靈魂在唱,閃爍和陶醉的眼神,瞇成一條線的眼睛像惡魔一樣,甩著頭髮,手指敲打鍵盤,集魅力與性感一身,讓人不得不跟著沉淪。
再次說到Thomas Azier的外型,冷峻,美麗。可以和The xx主唱Oliver Sim 和 Hurts 組團體啦,大家都覺得他們太像了!

Oliver Sim by Germinal Roaux.jpeg
The xx主唱 Oliver Sim by Germinal Roaux

Oliver Sim by Jamie-James Medina.jpeg
The xx主唱Oliver Sim by Jamie-James Medina 



Woodkid:With my boy @thomasazier ready to rock Berlin's Tempodrom tonight !




Thomas Azier 首張專輯『Hylas』


04.Rukeli's Last Dance
05.Red Eyes
07.How To Disappear
09.Shadow Of The Sun
10.Yearn Yearn
11.Golden Wave
12.Sirens Of The Citylight



(Hylas是希臘神話一個青年,大力神海克力斯的伴侶。他長相非常俊美。海克力斯很喜愛這個男孩,像父親教兒子一樣傳授給他各種技藝。後來海克力斯帶著海拉斯一起加入阿爾戈英雄的隊伍去奪取金羊毛,在途中海拉斯到林中取水時,水中的寧芙迷戀於他的美貌,強行留下了他。 深深覺得難怪我小時候那麼愛看大力士)


Thomas Azier by Malte Pietschmann.jpg
by Malte Pietschmann  歌詞本後面是海報,這張照片。專輯發行後,Thomas Azier還貼心的在粉絲頁上附上每首歌歌詞。




Thomas Azier - How To Disappear

For all I know it looks different now
This is my home, this is my home
All the windows look different now
Cause they are not yours, no they are not yours

How to disappear?
I'm just a bird on your bed,
I'll sing when you're sad

How to disappear?
I'm nothing more than a breeze
Can you feel me?

I've got all the dreams inside me now
The dreams of the world, the dreams of the world
But when it's time and the autumn comes,
Let me come home...

How to disappear?
I'm just a bird on your bed,
I'll sing when you're sad

How to disappear?
I'm nothing more then a breeze
Can you feel me?

〈Red Eyes〉是經典
Thomas Azier - Red Eyes

She could never be closer
And ever closer than tales can tell
But i can't fail

She could never be closer
And who's the one who casts the spell
Oh I can't tell

Pieces falling in the games we play
And even castles couldn't get away

Red Eyes

Her lips are around you
You feel the sweat against your skin
Oh the mess you're in

Pieces falling in the games we play
And even castles couldn't get away

Red Eyes

Pieces falling in the games we play
And even lovers couldn't get away

Thomas Azier - Shade of Black

我非常喜歡這首,在問與答的時候有粉絲也很喜歡這首,想知道什麼原因促使他寫這首。Thomas Azier 說"〈Shade of Black〉是一首歌曲的靈感來自你最深的恐懼。它是如此可怕寫關於我的真實的恐懼,我花了一年聆聽效果,一次又一次。"

What inspired you to write Shade of black ? I love this song.
"Shade of black was a song inspired by your deepest fear. It was so scary to write about my true fear that it took me a year to listen to the result, again."


Thomas Azier - Angelene


Angelene where could you be,
the skin on my chest feels so warm
I've been gone since the morning sun,
My lonely heart yearns for more

Angelene where have you been
I'm weary and stuck in my head
Marble skies in the evening sun
I'm lost and I carry the dead

Angelene where could you be
I dived and I swam with the ghosts
There's one sea between us now
That's just what kills me the most

Thomas Azier - Ghostcity



Ghostcity, stay if you wanna; believe me, why don't we leave this town, can you see it now? Your lips suicide red, you know you shot me ‘cause you wanted me dead, can we leave this town, I’m an eagle now

These different shadows always following me
The cityfoxes are controlling the streets, won’t you leave me out here, won’t you leave me out here

‘Cause we are,
The only one alive in this town
When everything is going down
We’re becoming ghosts as well

Dark hair, covered in gold I keep forgetting everything I was taught
Can we leave this town, You believe me now?

These different shadows always following me
The cityfoxes are controlling the streets, won’t you leave me out here, won’t you leave me out here

‘Cause we are,
The only one alive in this town
When everything is going down
We’re becoming ghosts as well

Thomas Azier - Verwandlung

Too low to love you, somebody to hold, somebody to care for. And I would go back to the old lands I used to care for.

I’m so confused lying here alone locked up in my room.
Oh the night is cruel; You.
And there are no goodbyes; the only thing I know is that these walls have eyes. I see birds fly in V; You

Too low to love you, somebody to hold, somebody to care for. And I would go back to the old lands I used to care for.

Oh your fist so red, leather jacket collar up I’m dead.
And you hit me first, bit through my lips until they bled and hurt. And I feel so strange when the only one I know in this place‘s called Change. Running through my veins; You

Thomas Azier - Verwandlung (Live Paris)


Thomas Azier - Rukeli's Last Dance

The white - oak is waiting for the cut
Caked in flour, hair dyed blonde
All he ever wanted was to dance with the crowd around him
And now the’re gonna watch him fall

Looking down into his darkened eyes
The great white prize was held aloft
And all he ever wanted was to dance with the crowd around him. But now they’re gonna watch him fall

Take your turn, the floor is yours again
Flour and blood, mixed up, and your hair dyed blonde
Take your turn, the crowd is yours again
Covered in blood, messed up, ready to take them on, ready to take them on

Thomas Azier - Rukeli's last dance

so cute


Thomas Azier - Fire Arrow



Thomas Azier - Hylas (live @ 3voor12 Radio)

She's on the run
Yellow flowers in her hair
The pressure is gone
She's got only her skin to share
She guides my way to find her trace
And through the forest we run
Through the forest we run

She pulls me down with her eyes
Into the water we slide

She knows it's her that I want
She can see through my deepest dreams
My eyes on the hunt
I want to see her naked skin
She guides my way to find her trace
And through the forest we run
Through the forest we run

They told me only to breathe

She pulls me down with her eyes
Into the water we slide, into the water we slide
She grabs my hand we unite
Into the water we slide, into the water we slide

Thomas Azier - Yearn Yearn現場



We’re fire, when we make love again
Don’t you know, it’s never over
We try but then we are miles away
Can’t you see, I can’t get closer
Remember we were building the sky, now our kingdom is crumbling down
Everything, Vertigo
And everything that I have to want is your body on top of me now
Summer Love, the Winter is Coming for us

Cuz’ there are pixels falling into my heart
And there is water falling onto the streets
I see the wrestle that we had in the dark
I feel your sweat dripping onto my knees
This summer rain never seems to end
And when I drive through the city by night
You are stuck on a screen
And I’m yearning, yearning

I burned because I fell into the depths of your heart
Can’t you see, I’m in the corner
And everything that I have to want is your body on top of me now
Summer Love, the Winter is Coming for us
Cuz’ there are pixels falling into my heart
And there is water falling onto the streets
I see the wrestle that we had in the dark
I feel your sweat dripping onto my knees
This summer rain never seems to end
And when I drive through the city by night
You are stuck on a screen
And I’m yearning, yearning

And I only tried to call you
And I only cry for you

Cuz’ there are pixels falling into my heart
And there is water falling onto the streets
I see the wrestle that we had in the dark
I feel your sweat dripping onto my knees
This summer rain never seems to end

在Le Ring的完整現場
Thomas Azier - Le Ring - Live

超精彩 發現他是少女手指。看下面那位粉絲多激動,要我在那裡也會這樣。

Thomas Azier - Le Ring - Interview

Thomas Azier - Futuresound (Pelican Sessions)

killin' me! what a babe 表演太完美,他自己也很喜歡。

Ghostcity 和 Yearn Yearn
Thomas Azier - Ghostcity Live bij de 3voor12 Award 2014

最後這首未發布的歌曲〈1000 Eyes〉專輯附贈的歌(Bonus Track)
Thomas Azier - 1000 Eyes

When dancing is over
You find your way home into the night
I want to get closer
I'm watching your curves in black and white
You're out of sight
I notice your bedroom light

Well you can run away but I know where you hide
I'm longing for more my love I'm yearning to be by your side
My flame is strong I want to dance with you tonight
The night has a thousand eyes but I will love you right

When dancing is over
I want to take you for a ride
Your barenaked shoulders
They're make me glow into the night
I'll take you home
Silently, don't wake your mum

Well you can run away but I know where you hide
I'm longing for more my love I'm yearning to be by your side
My flame is strong I want to dance with you tonight
The night has a thousand eyes but I will love you right

你怎麼能不愛Thomas Azier的音樂?



得到超多個人資料,Thomas Azier真的是努力面對自己恐懼的藝術家。他的回答都很謙虛,從不覺得自己是個專業的表演者,但他在創作中也堅持自己想要的,這也就是每首歌為什麼這麼動聽。

Thomas Azier
26歲,8月14日生(他說:我是一個獅子..) 獅子好啊Thomas lol
最喜歡看的電影《惡靈古堡Damnation》 or 《嗑到荼靡/遁入虛無Enter the Void》 or 《男人的一半還是男人My own private idaho》...
(整個很爽,有點解開心中的0.001%小疑惑,基努李維演的gay片、Enter the Void超冷門藝術電影)

Adept (dutch band), Prince, Tuxedomoon, Echo & The Bunnymen, Roy Orbison, John Maus and many more

有人說"Is Oliver Sim from the XX your brother or what? Lol"
他回:No but maybe I'll meet him one day haha
一定要跟Oliver Sim認識,超像!!!

還有男生求婚,他的回答:Haha, not ready to marry, but thank you for the proposal!


And what is your favourite movie ? BTW. Have you ever heard about British band called Hurts ?
My favourite movie might be Damnation or Enter the Void or My own private idaho...


When did you noticed, that you want to do professional music?
I never really considered myself a professional haha. Just trying to write some music and connect to people...


I'm so glad I'm talking to you! Do you like pop music, if so what singer/ band do you like? 
who are your favorite musicians?
Too many too mention but I'm listening now to a record from Moonface: Julia in Blue Jeans. Great record..

Moonface 的唱片Julia In Blue Jeans



Fernando Pessoa ─ 葡萄牙詩人與作家。生前以詩集《使命》而聞名於世。他在文學上以「創造」性格聞名,稱這種寫作手法為「異名」。他的「自我」在某程度上深受一些宗教理念影響,如通神論思想及共濟會的宗教觀。故此「自我」的詩詞充滿神話及史詩式的氣魄,有時還有一種悲劇的味道。他作為一個普世主義(Universalism)詩人,他的世界觀可能受到東方及理性主義哲學思想所影響,顯得相當矛盾,他同時接受單一及多方面的世界觀。(他絕對影響Azier很大)
John Fante ─ 美國小說家,短篇小說作家,編劇。文學運動─骯髒的現實主義
Roy Orbison ─ 美國創作歌手,鄉村搖滾,鄉村,流行樂。是個特色和風格影響力很大的歌手
Kraftwerk ─ 德國電子樂教父
Ovid ─ 《變形記》作家


Hi Thomas ! My question is, would you consider writing / producing music for a movie (or a short movie) if someday a director asks you to ? Could it be something you'd enjoy ? And, is there a movie you wish you had "written" its soundtrack ? 
I would definitely consider it.


What's your favorite album of all time?
What do you think about Kid A?
What is your favorite movie of all time?
Kid A is my childhood!


Hi Thomas! What is the last book you read? And your favorite?
Fante - Ask the Dust & Johnny Got His Gun from Dalton Trumbo


909, Yamaha DD50, AkaiAX73, M1, JX3P, MS20, Maschine, Korg AX800, Sherman Filter Bank, lot of software stuff, Cs01, Diesel VH4 and AAALLL the rooms in the factory where we recorded the album. This is our REAL studio..

Hi where have you met woodkid?:)
Through my booking agent: Junzi Arts. Then we met in Paris and hung out before going on tour together..

通過他們共同的預定代理:Junzi Arts 一起在巡迴後閒晃出去玩..


Hi Thomas Azier,
First off: amazing album.
Secondly: how hard was it for you to put together this album? Some tracks from the EPs didn't make it, some songs you probably left on the cutting room floor. How did you decide on this set of songs?
Thanks! Groetjes uit Nederland.
Thank you Thijs!! I always listen to my intuition. When songs are not ready I feel this in body. I don't eat well, sleep well and feel restless. Then I work, work work sometimes weeks and nights in a row to get it all in order. Then at some point something clicks, and I know it's good. This was the same process with the track listing of the album. It had to be the my story of the last 5 years. It took some time to compile because I had so many songs. But I knew it was right...

i m a singer,you inspire me now coz your voice is so pure and i d like to know wich artists inspire you the most ? how did you get inspiration i mean vocally ? it sounds like pop, lyrical and rock , you re incredible, i can t stop listening your album! congrats + thanks for real music , it means a lot to me you re fresh and real ! love X 10 000
Thanks Marc!! I appreciate this a lot.




相關文章→ 春天告急!聽聽Thomas Azier,David Bowie,James Blake,Woodkid,Hurts




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