
一聽「You Can Be the One」就愛上Late Night Alumni

2005年一首「Empty Streets」讓他們成名,完全的Deep House和Electronic。


Late Night Alumni
from UK
音樂類型:Deep House/Electronic/Trip-Hop

2005 年由英國浩室名廠Hed Kandi所發行的首張專輯《Empty Streets》,由Ryan Raddon(aka Kaskade)、Finn Bjarnson、John Hancock以及女主音Becky Jean Williams四人所結成的弛放浩室美聲團體。


Late Night Alumni,在電子樂圈火速竄紅,〈Seemingly Sleepy〉、〈Empty Streets〉、〈The Rest Of You〉幾首悅耳動聽的出色作品,令其迅速累積了高度的人氣與好評!

這張睽違四年的全新作品《Of Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Etc.》,維持著Late Night Alumni高辨識度的柔軟舒緩、空靈弛放基調,擁有一副聽來慵懶、誘人嗓音的女主唱

,依然以她最神秘、浪漫而飄逸的姿態,詮釋著屬於夜晚時分的聲音,屢屢令你我卸下心防,輕易被這美麗動人、嫵媚輕飄的感性聲線融化。搶先於Beatport和iTunes平台推出〈You Can Be The One〉,由四把小提琴伴奏的小型室內樂隊,帶出一股清新脫俗的典雅靈魂浩室風貌;曾先在Youtube釋出Acoustic版本的〈Golden〉,專輯版本以空靈幽幻的美聲繞梁於耳,飄浮般無重力感的弛放極致感受,莫過於此;〈Finally Found〉展現Kaskade的拿手絕活,以吉他聲線與電子合成聲效激蕩出美妙音像;而搖曳著時尚輕盈節拍而來的都會浩室曲〈Uncharted〉,在 Becky鮮甜的嗓音詮釋下,更顯亮麗誘人!

此外,台灣特別盤除了13首曲目外,獨家超值收錄了〈You Can Be The One〉Live版和音樂錄影帶,再度讓樂迷們無法自拔地深陷這獨特、絕美的空靈浩室樂音!





Late Night Alumni - Empty streets


The city feels clean this time of night
Just empty streets and me walking home to clear my head

I know it came as no surprise
I'm affected more than I had guessed on what was said

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it I won't see how it's broken

It's the quiet time before the dawn
And I'm half past making sense of it, was I wrong?

Should I claim to give it all
In a world where not much ever seems to last long

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it i won't see it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it I won't see how it's broken

How it's broken...

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it i won't see it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it I won't see how it's broken

How it's broken...

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it i won't see it's broken

If the smile's not meant to be
If the heart's not ready to open
If we make it I won't see how it's broken

How it's broken...



專輯由Becky Jean Williams設計


我買了這張專輯,CD轉開 洩出的第一首「What's In A Name」就沉溺在Becky Jean Williams空靈甜美的聲音中,無法自拔,好想擁抱她,腦中已出現畫面,在春天裡,綠色,冷冽的天空,小鳥蝴蝶和花中的精靈翩翩起舞的姿態

Late Night Alumni - What's In A Name


Late Night Alumni - Finally Found

第2首「Finally Found」輕快節奏,帶著悲傷的情緒


Late Night Alumni - Light Reading

Late Night Alumni - Golden

Late Night Alumni - Golden (Acoustic)



Late Night Alumni - Uncharted


Late Night Alumni - Run A Mile

第8首「Run A Mile」想跟著一起跑,閉上眼享受春氣。

Late Night Alumni - Of Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Etc.

Late Night Alumni - It's All The Same To Me

Late Night Alumni - Potions

第11首「Potions」帶點詭異的前奏 隨後是舞動的曼妙感 舒緩靈魂

Late Night Alumni - What If I Say Please

Late Night Alumni - Minutes


Late Night Alumni - YOU CAN BE THE ONE (Live Version)





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