
無法克制對Bloc Party 的愛,就像團名一樣
而且他們深受Joy Division 和 The Cure 等樂團的影響。


Bloc Party
from UK
音樂類型:Alternative / Rock / Indie
Kele Okereke (Lead Vocals,Rhythm Guitar) 
Gordon Moakes (bass,keyboards,backing vocals)
Russell Lissack (lead guitar)
Matt Tong (drums,backing vocals)


2005年揭開序幕,我們看到Bloc Party這支來自英國倫敦的隊伍,得以在芸芸新晉樂團之中突圍而出。

年初出版的英國音樂周報NME帶來的「The Faces Of ‘05」封面專題特集,Bloc Party便以封面人物的姿態先拔頭籌、成為焦點,其「05新人王」的姿態亦不言而喻。

今天Bloc Party的炙手可熱之勢,委實不禁叫人聯想到在去年鋒芒畢露的蘇格蘭格拉斯哥樂隊Franz Ferdinand。湊巧的是彼此同是在1月初被點名為該年頭號新希望樂隊,繼而隨即緊接在2月份發表他們教外界引頸以待的處男專輯,天時地利人和各方面都配合得天衣無縫,彷彿是在穩操勝券下發動攻勢。

或者,背後能達至天時地利人和,看穿了還不過是唱片宣企與音樂媒體的緊密配合。然而毋庸置疑的是,Bloc Party的而且確是一支教人讚歎不已的優秀樂隊,打造出爽勁、緊湊、懾人而充滿張力的Art School Punk音樂。

甚麼新Franz Ferdinand
Bloc Party在去年初露鋒芒,名氣不脛而走,導致為他們招來「新Franz Ferdinand」的美譽。

無疑,在聲音上Bloc Party與Franz Ferdinand存有不少近似的地方,誓如他們所師承自八十年代Post-Punk的精良要素、歌曲擁有令人起舞的強烈節奏感,彼此的音樂都能給予樂迷不禁搖頭擺腦起來的暢快聆聽經驗,兩者皆可謂殊途同歸。然而Bloc Party卻並非「另一隊Franz Ferdinand」,畢竟雙方的音樂也有若干程度的迥異、是很不同的樂隊,所謂的「新Franz Ferdinand」,是指Bloc Party的走勢與際遇而多于音樂上的雷同。

但原來Bloc Party跟Franz Ferdinand查實也真的早有淵源。話說未出道前的Bloc Party,乃到處毛遂自薦投寄歌曲Demo,但差不多全軍石沉大海。直至在2003年10月,陣中主唱兼結他手Kele Okerere把作品寄給Franz Ferdinand主將Alex Kapranos,自我介紹他們是一支深受The Cure、Pixies、Joy Division、Sonic Youth與Talking Heads影響的樂隊——結果Kele得到Alex親自致電回復,並邀請Bloc Party為Franz Ferdinand一場假Islington的Electrowerkz所舉行Live Gig擔任暖場演出。

Bloc Party不但自此跟Franz Ferdinand扯上關係,更受到英國著名電台主持人Steve Lamacq之青睞,隨即眾唱片廠牌的A&R人員亦開始向他們招手。Franz Ferdinand怎說也算是他們的伯樂。

Bloc Party的兩位發起成員——黑人主將Kele Okerere和結他手Russell Lissack結識于1998年,隨後二人在NME刊登征求樂手小廣告,而物色到低音結他手Gordon Moakes,最後找來華裔鼓手Matt Tong加入(據知是三人聽到有人在房間裡打鼓而拍門拉攏他加入),Bloc Party便正式成軍。

Bloc Party的處男單曲She’s Heaving Voices在去年年初由一所小型獨立廠牌Trash Aestheties推出,而且還是以限量五百張的透明膠七單曲發行,相信現已被炒賣吧。直至他們加盟較具規模的Wichita Recordings發表樂隊的第三張單曲Little Thoughs,他們的發展也見穩步上揚。而在美國也得到獨立公司Dim Mak Records的一紙合約(並在去年為他們出版過一張同名六曲EP作品選)。

經過五張單曲之後,Bloc Party的首張專輯Silent Alarm亦在剛過去的情人節當日隆重面世。唱片名字是取自一篇刊于New Scientist有關日本地震探測系統的文章,Kele解釋是因為專輯裡存有一種不安的感覺。

當初Wichita與Bloc Party會面時,他們形容自己是一隊介乎黑馬王子Prince與芝加哥另類樂團Shellac之間的樂隊。在唱片裡,Bloc Party的音樂正是透過迥異的燻陶磨合出來。

聆聽Silent Alarm,教我感受到是一股強烈的初生之犢能量。Bloc Party的音樂來得簡約而直截了當,但卻處理得精明機智,也不乏錄音室Treatment的催化點綴。

Bloc Party的與眾不同,是他們擁有Kele這位黑人主唱,而他與Russell又視Prince為頭號偶像,故此令到他們的Post-Punk音樂也蘊含著若干程度的黑人音樂基因。不要忘記,A Certain Ratio、The Pop Group等昔日的Post-Punk樂伍,那又何嘗不是伋取著黑人音樂的影響而來。
Kele和Russell固然是陣中的靈魂,但卻不容忽視Gordon和Matt所湊成的Rhythm Section,深受Joy Division與英倫Post-Punk感染的Gordon一手沉實Bassline配上Matt緊湊有力的爆炸性巨大鼓擊,沒有二人的話,Bloc Party的音樂定必頓時失色。但誓估不到一派Post-Punk鼓手風範的Matt,在骨子裡他所鐘情的卻竟是Fleetwood Mac及Supertramp等七十年代AOR音樂?

像前作單曲Helicopter,正可見証到Bloc Party所彰顯一氣呵成而來的激急張力。而由Russell一手迷幻結他帶出的唱片開場曲Like Eating Glass,抑或聽到Kele施展其半吟半Rap唱腔的Positive Tension,Matt的鼓擊無疑是那麼富有驅動性,主宰了Bloc Party歌曲的強大動能。

可以肯定,在Bloc Party身上所沉澱著的,都盡是Post-Punk音樂的精髓。早期作品She’s Hearing Voices(現為重新灌錄的版本)的大踏步巨無霸Funky節拍與Kele沉壓著疏離冷漠的演繹絲絲入扣,與其說是Talking Heads遇上Joy Division,那倒不如說是師承A Certain Ratio的影響還更直接,歌曲的跳脫俐落絕不遜色于一眾Punk-Funk樂隊。

Price Of Gasoline在迷幻結他下,當中的跳脫拍掌聲與Analog Synth,好讓歌曲散發出無比的八十年代 New Wave摩登氣息。綻放出急疾節奏的Luno,在撲朔迷離的結他聲與暗黑的氣氛滲出時,甚至叫我想到早年的And Also The Trees。而Plans的低調黑暗,亦明顯留有The Cure的影子,甚至Kele的嗓音也仿如沉溺無力時的Robert Smith。

Bloc Party不獨是一隊單單講求張力與緊湊的后崩隊伍,當他們處理慢版曲目時原來更加驚豔,能達至剛柔並濟。

新單曲So Here We Are的縈繞心頭情感,多得那美好如星星閃爍的結他勾線,溫暖窩心得沒話說。This Modern Love的優美而清爽、情意綿綿,多愁善感地滿是對愛情憧憬卻又患得患失,動人要素大有機會成他們日後的單曲之選。由濃霧般之氛圍與Beatbox節拍帶出的Compliments,那份蒼白、緩慢與苦澀,黯然神傷的Bloc Party完全可讓你聽得心碎。

而隨首批專輯附送的四曲Live DVD,你更可認知Bloc Party的確是一支很棒的現場演出樂隊——只是四首表演片段,實在太到喉唔到肺了。  



Kele Okereke

Gordon Moakes 

Russell Lissack 

Matt Tong(Bloc Party).jpg  
Matt Tong 


Gordon 性感到不行

Russell總是頭低低 頭髮也跟著搖擺


Bloc Party - Banquet

演唱會光Banquet 和Helicopter就能炒熱氣氛

A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I can give you life, I can take it away

A heart of stone, a smoking gun
I'm working it out
Why'd you feel so underrated?
Why'd you feel so negated?

Turning away from the light
Becoming adult
Turning into myself
I wanted to bite not destroy
To feel her underneath
Turning into the light

She don't think straight
She's got such a dirty mind and it never ever stops
And you don't taste like her and you never ever will
And we don't read the papers, we don't read the news
Heaven's never enough, we will never be fooled

And if you feel a little left behind
We will wait for you on the other side

Cos I'm on fire
Cos you know I'm on fire when you come
Cos you know I'm on fire
Cos you know I'm on fire so stomp me out
Cos I'm on fire [x4]


Bloc Party - Helicopter (live on Jools Holland)

"So James Dean
So blue jeans
Gonna save the world
He's gonna"
嚷著James Dean要去拯救世界!


North to south
Running on
As if to say, as if to say
As if to say, he doesn't like chocolate
He's born a liar, he'll die a liar
Some things will never be different

Stop being so American
There's a time and there's a place
So James Dean
So blue jeans
Gonna save the world
He's gonna

Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?

Three out of five, three out of five (it's not enough)
Six out of ten
Better luck next time
Just like his Dad, just like his Dad (the same mistakes)
Some things will never be different
Hungry and dumb, hungry and dumb (so wait in line)
Queuing up for some more junk food
It's not my fault, it's not my fault (just this once)
They're getting so much younger

Why can't you be more European
Bastard child of guilt and shame
Bury your head in the sand
I'm thinking six, six, six
I'm thinking six

Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?
Are you hoping for a miracle?

It's not enough.


Bloc Party - One More Chance

Matt 表情超可愛;Kele(L)

Give me one more chance, give me one more chance
Give me one more chance to love you
Give me one more chance, give me one more chance
Give me one more chance to love you

So open the door and calm down
Can't you see that I'm trying?
Don't say another word about the other boy
Can't you see that I'm dying?

This time things will be different and you're gonna see
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see
These hands will come around, you'll love their touch again
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see

Give me one more chance, give me one more chance
Give me one more chance to love you
Give me one more chance, give me one more chance
Give me one more chance to love you

So open the door and calm down
Can't you see that I'm trying?
Don't say another word about the other boy
Can't you see that I'm dying?

This time things will be different and you're gonna see
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see
These hands will come around, you'll love their touch again
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see

One more chance, give me one more chance
One more chance, give me one more chance
One more chance, give me one more chance to love you

This time things will be different and you're gonna see
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see
These hands will come around, you'll love their touch again
This time things will be different and you're gonna see, see
See, see, see, see


Bloc Party - Compliments



Bloc Party - I Still Remember


I, I still remember
how you looked that afternoon.
There was only you.

You said "it's just like a full moon".
Blood beats faster in our veins
We left our trousers by the canal
And our fingers, they almost touched

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?

And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie

I've gone wherever you wanted

(I still remember)

And on that teachers' training day
We wrote our names on every train
Laughed at the people off to work
So monochrome and so lukewarm

And I can see our days are becoming nights.
I could feel your heartbeat across the grass.
We should have run.
I would go with you anywhere.
I should have kissed you by the water

You should have asked me for it
I would have been brave
You should have asked me for it
How could I say no?

And our love could have soared
Over playgrounds and rooftops
Every park bench screams your name
I kept your tie

I would let you if you asked me

I still remember


Bloc Party - So Here We Are


I caught a glimpse, but its been forgotten
So here we are again
I made a vow, to carry you home... home

I really tried to do what you wanted
It all went wrong again

I made a vow, to carry you home
If you fall sick, if you pass out

I figured it out, I can see again

Bloc Party - Sign

We sit and we sigh
And nothing gets done
So right, so clued-up
We just get old

And all the while
Been torn asunder

And bacteria

What are we coming to
What are we gonna do

Bloc Party - This Modern Love


To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
You've been trying to reach me
You bought me a book
To be lost in the forest
To be cut adrift
I've been paid
I've been paid

Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
Just keep telling me facts
And keep making me smile
Don't get offended
If I seem absent minded
I get tongue-tied
Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
I will be yours

I'll pay for you anytime

You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness
Well jump on, enjoy, you can gorge away
You told me you wanted to eat up my sadness
Jump right
Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
Jump left

What are you holding out for?
What's always in the way?
Why so damn absent-minded?
Why so scared of romance?

This modern love breaks me
This modern love wastes me

Do you wanna come over and kill some time?
Tell me facts, tell me facts, tell me facts
Tell me facts
Throw your arms around me
Do you wanna come over and kill some time? [x3]
Throw your arms around me.




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