
Joy Division 是一支表面像是無情緒的樂團,低調深沉。你聽到感覺像什麼其實就像什麼。在主唱 Ian Curtis 的皮膚表層之下,肉體的痛苦與吶喊,從他演唱的方式你其實可以看見他努力、絕望地生存,甚至掙脫。

Ian Curtis 他是我的象徵和音樂上的英雄,音樂陰鬱令人墬落黑色深淵不已,對我卻也是治癒的音樂。

Love Will Tear Us Apart

Ian Curtis
 (15 July 1956 – 18 May 1980) 

Joy Division 已故主唱 Ian Curtis



電影《控制》(Control) 2007
dir. Anton Corbijn│2007│英國、日本、美國、澳大利亞│121分│劇情片│護6+

2007 坎城影展導演雙週最佳影片等3項大獎 
2007 英國獨立電影獎最佳英國電影等5項大獎


電影拍攝前詢問 Ian 遺孀 Deborah 與他女兒的同意才得以開拍。 

影片呈現 Ian Curtis 自殺之前最後幾年生活的點滴以及困境


Ian 的死因至今仍眾說紛紜
但妻子 Deborah 執筆的書裡
披露出 Ian 從很久以前就有著趁年輕時死去的念頭...

由男星 Sam Riley 飾演 Ian Curtis,在跳舞癲狂間彷彿看見真正的 Ian Curtis。
《控制》(Control)電影預告 Trailer HD

Joy Division - She's Lost Control (Performance From Control)
















Joy Division
Joy Division
from UK
音樂類型:Alternative / Indie / Post-punk / New wave

        關於 Joy Division,有人這樣說,如果你活著,這樣的音樂永遠都不會屬于你。只有 Ian Curtis 這樣的人才能做出如此黑暗的音樂。愛會將我們分開,又有什麼能使我們在一起?在這個只有兩張專輯和若干單曲傳世的樂隊短暫的黑暗旅程結束后,在那個男人23歲時帶著與生俱來的絕望離開后,再沒有人能給出答案。 

     在1979年4月14日,樂隊出現在了英國國家電台上,他們很快就被公眾所熟悉。6月Joy Division 的第一張專輯《Unknown Pleasures》正式發行,評論反映良好,賣得也還不錯,到1982年6月為止共賣了10萬張。這是一張前所未有的低調作品:冷漠、暗淡且沉重, Ian Curtis 深沉的嗓音在由簡練的吉他布景中緩緩地唱著獻給殘酷青春的輓歌。其中的《She’s Lost Control》被認為是“最讓人震撼的作品”。

  這些成功讓他們整個夏天和秋季都在倫敦的酒吧裡演出。9月13日,Factory公司在倫敦的斯加拉劇場舉行了一個稱為“FAC9”的現場聆聽會。15日Joy Division第一次在BBC電視二台舉行了大型現場表演,Ian Curtis在《Transmission》和《She’s Lost Control》中以令人著迷的機器人舞步給觀眾留下了深刻的印象。

    Joy Division 誕生

      Joy Division 是英國后龐克樂隊中在上世紀70年代極具影響力的一支樂隊,主唱 Ian Curtis 更是英年早逝。20年后,Joy Division 未被世人遺忘,反而成了一個黑色的神話,Ian Curtis 更成了失落一代的代言人。

  1976年秋天,在英國曼徹斯特,有三個職業音樂人決定組成一支樂隊,他們花了整個秋季來尋找合適的小提琴手。在一次 Sex Pistols 音樂會上,他們遇見了 Ian Curtis。

  後來他們給自己取名叫 Warsaw (華沙)。不過,他們只在錄製了一盤只有五首歌的 Demo 後就四分五裂。但 Ian Curtis 與 Steve Brotherdale 卻留了下來並很快找到了新的鼓手:Steve Morris,就這樣組成了Joy Division 的正式班子:Ian Curtis,Peter Hook,Bernard Summer和Steve Brotherdale……

  1977年12月,他們決定錄製4首新歌,這就是後來的《An Ideal For Living》,當時他們仍以“Warsaw”作隊名,結果發現這個名字與別人有衝突,於是在1978年1月正式更名為“Joy Division”,並在1月28日這天在曼徹斯特的Pip酒吧舉行了正式演出。樂隊的經紀人也換成了Rob Gretton。

  同年曼徹斯特家俱樂部老板 T ony Wilson 和 Alan Erasmus 注冊了The Factory這個唱片品牌,並在10月簽下了Joy Division。漸漸的 Joy Division 的名氣越來越大,但主唱 Ian 的癲癇病卻成了樂隊以後發展的一大陰影。那個時候他與妻子 Deborah 快有了自己的孩子,樂隊的首張專輯也在制作中,但他卻變得越來越孤僻,拒絕與外界溝通。



  這之後 Ian Curtis 的癲癇病發作越來越頻繁,樂隊只能斷斷續續地錄製一些作品。其間誕生了Joy Division 的另一首經典歌曲:Love Will Tears Us Apart。第二張專輯《Closer》也同樣是一張叫人想自殺的作品。專輯中處處可見 Ian Curtis 那顆黑色的心靈的傷痕。從一開始的《Atrocity Exhibition》到結束的《Decades》都是如此,更不用說著名的《Isolation》和《The Eternal》了。聽過這張專輯后,你會發現現在的很多所謂××的樂隊都只不過是在玩“輕音樂”而已。那種滲透進靈魂中的莫名哀傷已讓不少 IanCurtis 的追隨者變成了殉道者。願 Ian Curtis 的靈魂得到安息!

  終於在1980年5月18日,Ian Curtis,這個一直崇拜早逝的 Jim Morrison 的23歲年輕人完成了他人生的兩大夙願:“成名和自殺”中還剩下的那一個——自殺。

  接下來的一個月,《Closer》爬上了BBC專輯榜的前10位,《Love Will Tears Us Apart》成了單曲榜10佳。







Ian and Deborah






Ian Curtis的家




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這是我最愛的一張CD,圖形其實是音波。不管是刺青、衣服或是任何商品上仍可以看到這個圖案的蹤影,永遠的 Joy Division。


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Love Will Tear Us Apart 單曲
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宛如來自地獄的聲音 Ian Curtis 的慘痛嘶吼

Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart

When routine bites hard,
And ambitions are low.
And resentment rides high,
But emotions won't grow.
And we're changing our ways,
Taking different roads.

Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.

Why is the bedroom so cold?
Turned away on your side.
Is my timing that flawed?
Our respect run so dry?
Yet there's still this appeal,
That we've kept through our lives.

Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.

Do you cry out in your sleep?
All my failings exposed...
Gets a taste in my mouth
As desperation takes hold.
Why is it something so good
Just can't function no more?

Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear us apart again.
Love, love will tear up apart again.

Joy Division - She's Lost Control


Ian 描述他見過的一位女患者,而後來他得知她已死去...以這樣的情形下寫出這首歌。


Confusion in her eyes that says it all. 
She's lost control. 

And she's clinging to the nearest passer by, 
She's lost control. 
And she gave away the secrets of her past, 
And said I've lost control again, 
And of a voice that told her when and where to act, 
She said I've lost control again. 

And she turned around and took me by the hand 
And said I've lost control again. 
And how I'll never know just why or understand 
She said I've lost control again. 
And she screamed out kicking on her side 
And said I've lost control again. 
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die. 
She said I've lost control. 
She's lost control again. 
She's lost control. 
She's lost control again. 
She's lost control. 

Well I had to phone her friend to state my case, 
And say she's lost control again. 
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes, 
And said I've lost control again. 
But she expressed herself in many different ways, 
Until she lost control again. 
And walked upon the edge of no escape, 
And laughed I've lost control. 
She's lost control again. 
She's lost control. 
She's lost control again. 
She's lost control. 

I could live a little better with the myths and the lies, 
When the darkness broke in, I just broke down and cried. 
I could live a little in a wider line, 
When the change is gone, when the urge is gone, 
To lose control. When here we come."




Joy Division - Transmission

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio. 


Radio, live transmission.
Radio, live transmission.

Listen to the silence, let it ring on.
Eyes, dark grey lenses frightened of the sun.
We would have a fine time living in the night,
Left to blind destruction,
Waiting for our sight.

And we would go on as though nothing was wrong.
And hide from these days we remained all alone.
Staying in the same place, just staying out the time.
Touching from a distance,
Further all the time.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.

Well I could call out when the going gets tough.
The things that we've learnt are no longer enough.
No language, just sound, that's all we need know, to synchronise
Love to the beat of the show.

And we could dance.

Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.
Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, to the radio.



Joy Division - Shadowplay(at 1978 Granada Reports Live)

To the centre of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you,
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you,
I was moving through the silence without motion, waiting for you,
In a room with a window in the corner I found truth.

In the shadowplay, acting out your own death, knowing no more,
As the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floor,
And with cold streel, odour on their bodies mad a move to connect,
But I could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all left.

I did everything, everything I wanted to,
I let them use you for their own ends,
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you.
To the centre of the city in the night, waiting for you.


Joy Division - In A Lonely Place (New Order)



i cant say any more

Joy Division - In A Lonely Place

Caressing the marble and stone
Love that was special for one
The waste in the fever I heat
How I wish you were here with me now
Body that curls in and dies
And shares that awful daylight
Warm like a dog round your feet
How I wish you were here with me now
Hangman looks round as he waits
Cord stretches tight then it breaks
Someday we will die in your dreams
How I wish we were here with you now

Joy Division - Decades


Joy Division - Disorder

Joy Division - The Eterrnal

Joy Division - These Days

Joy Division - Atmosphere

Walk in silence,
Don't walk away, in silence.
See the danger,
Always danger,
Endless talking,
Life rebuilding,
Don't walk away.

Walk in silence,
Don't turn away, in silence.
Your confusion,
My illusion,
Worn like a mask of self-hate,
Confronts and then dies.
Don't walk away.

People like you find it easy,
Naked to see,
Walking on air.
Hunting by the rivers,
Through the streets,
Every corner abandoned too soon,
Set down with due care.
Don't walk away in silence,
Don't walk away.


整張專輯Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures (1979)


被數位化的Unknown Pleasures (1979)專輯封面

Data Visualization Reinterpreted by VISUALIZED

Data Visualization Reinterpreted by VISUALIZED from VISUALIZED on Vimeo.

就是癡迷 2013/05











Peter Saville

設計師Peter Saville 











今年 2017 電影《控制 Control》(2007)已上映十周年了。而我還沒重新整理文章。一直處於力不從心的狀態。


When the routine bites hard
and ambitions are low

And the resentment rides high

but emotions won't grow

And we're changing our ways'

taking different roads

Then love' love will tear us apart again love will tear us apart again





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