
每天都在聽 MGMT 迷幻電子音樂
Kids *大拇指*下面有歌詞,我真的超愛和這首歌的歌詞。


from USA
音樂類型:Electronic/Indie/Psychedelic/Alternative/Indie pop



      MGMT是一個迷幻電子合成流行樂的樂隊,于2002年在紐約布魯克林成立。該樂隊由多樣器樂組成,Andrew VanWyngarden負責聲樂、吉他、鍵盤,而Ben Goldwasser則負責聲樂、鍵盤、合成器、鼓,他們都是衛斯理大學的校友。
  在衛斯里昂大學的電子、獨立、舞曲、搖滾音樂專業。他們過去曾因,包括如“the management”在內的不成熟和大放厥詞的歌曲為人們所知道。  他們只用iPod和一些話麥的表演方式最為著名。他們曾經(據聞)在衛斯理大學教堂戰鬥上帝。這是ruckus(音樂下載網站)的極端。
  作為MGMT成員之一的 Andrew VanWyngarden 近期與of Montreal成員Kevin Barnes錄音,並計劃2007年發行專輯 《Blikk Fang》。MGMT于2005年末與Of Montreal巡回演出,VanWyngarden在of Montreal06夏季巡回期間已登台演出。

      MGMT在這一批新出產的Brooklyn年輕樂團當中,音樂最接近大眾流行口味的一組。雖然有Electric Feel這支單曲企圖捕捉八零年代復古電子合成器做出的彆扭Funk感覺,配合上制作粗糙的MV,好像煞有其事想要發表什麼石破天驚的宣言一般。但是整張專輯聽下來,多數的作品還是包著復古外衣的流行旋律,不至於讓第一次接觸的聽眾有嚴重的排斥感。就像我總是強調的,流行的調調並不代表就是嘩眾取寵的垃圾,在Sony廠牌下發行首張專輯,也不見得就是出賣了靈魂。即便MGMT的歌曲,比起另外兩組先前介紹的同鄉,在這早已充斥著數不清在歌曲當中融入了 disco元素樂團的搖滾樂圈,少了些原創特色,但是不可否認,Oracular Spectacular是一張讓人聽了會不自覺愛上的專輯,每次聽著Kids還是會忍不住跟著那老掉牙的groove點著頭打著節奏,聽著Weekend Wars最後的合唱還是會不自覺地跟著熱血起來。

      複雜的編曲或是難懂的實驗曲式或許不會出現在這張專輯當中,在這已經精彩萬分的2008樂壇,要擠進眾家年終榜似乎也會有不小困難,但是作為一張純粹帶來爽度的作品,Oracular Spectacular可說是不遑多讓。(這段文字引述







MGMT - Kids

MGMT - Kids

You were a child
Crawling on your knees toward it
Making momma so proud,
But your voice is too loud

We like to watch you laughing,
You pick the insects off plants
No time to think of consequences

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

The water is warm
But it's sending me shivers
A baby is born
Crying out for attention

The memories fade
Like looking through a fogged mirror
Decision to decisions are made
And not bought,
But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot.
I guess not

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees wanted
To be haunted

Control yourself
Take only what you need from it
A family of trees

MGMT - Time To Pretend




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